Signal Processing Laboratory - LPS
Escola Politécnica da USP   Adaptive Filtering and Estimation Group


Opportunities and Open Positions

We have positions open for Ph.D. students and post-docs.  Full scholarships available.

 For exceptional students, moving expenses may also be covered - but it is necessary to apply early.

    1. Low-cost algorithms for parameter estimation

Open positions for post-docs and up to two Ph.D. students.  Possible topics may involve implementation, design, and / or theory of:
  • Sparse estimation algorithms
  • Cooperative estimation algorithms
  • Distributed estimation algorithms
  • Continuous-time adaptive filtering for high-performance applications

    2. Efficient algorithms for array processing
Open positions for post-docs and up to two Ph.D. students.  Possible topics:
  • Design of new, efficient microphone array structures.  Goal: increase the number of microphones (we currently have arrays with 40 or 64 microphones), reduce cost, allow for testing of different microphone configurations, reduce influence of array structure in the measured signals.
  • Theoretical study of performance limitations of rectangular nonuniform arrays.
  • Real-time implementation of acoustic image estimation procedure, acoustic videos.

PSI - Escola Politécnica - USP
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, trav. 3, n. 158
CEP 05508-970 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil